Under the Gaze of Birds, examines the relationships between objects through the new representations of landscape painting in current times. These new representations probe the relationship between different materials and the idea of inter-objectivity. Piles of objects form a kind of stacking within themselves. This kind of “togetherness”, which also means bestand in the words of Timothy Morton, can be interpreted as the stacking of nature as a heap of objects. (Morton, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. p.113. 2020)
Under the Gaze of Birds stares at objects and fictional nature from above. This act of looking, which also opens the political agency of objects to a discussion, is based on the reversal of the hierarchical way of seeing. The artist can be said to have destroyed the way of seeing based on linear perspective, built since the Renaissance. (Uras Kızıl)

Polyurethane foam, stained glass, wire, ceramic mold, and paper pulp. 2022